Ro’s nutcracker ballet turned out really well. He wanted to continue ballet lessons afterwards. He hasn’t been having a lot of fun during the actual classes because they’ve been hard. He doesn’t have a lot of the coordination and flexibility that the other girls have since he started later in the class. The teachers noticed so he’ll be starting a pre-ballet class next year that should go a lot better. I told him that he needed to keep with it for a year, and, if he started anything in the future, he needed to keep with it for a year. I told him that boys needed to keep practicing and get stronger to hold up the girls. He responded with, “Will that be after I turn seven?” I thought it was because he wanted to be stronger for it, but he said it was because he didn’t want to do it. 🤦♀️ We’ll see after pre-ballet how it goes. Especially since he said he wants to do the Nutcracker ballet again. 🤷♀️
So far the new job has been good. Except for two days, I’ve been working completely from home so far. I’m a part of a team the makes sure the High Speed Rail Authority’s contractors follow the rules listed in their Incidental Take Permit that had been issued by CDFW. Apparently, this permit has been amended a bunch of times already, which is not normal. I have the idea that I was hired because of my regulatory enforcement experience because they told me it was okay to say a lot more no’s than yes’s, and, if I couldn’t prove they were in compliance, I could make them prove they were. This is new territory for me. 🤣
B had a conference last week during my second week at work. I was able to change my schedule so I could pick him up and drop him off at school. Unfortunately, it rained heavy on Monday and someone crashed their car into the electrical pole providing power to our complex. Everyone else around was completely fine. 🤦♀️ The power ended up being out from 3pm Monday through 11am Tuesday. The freezer stuff was fine since I made sure not to open it at all, but the fridge stuff had to go. I hadn’t been cooking so luckily there wasn’t much. Ro had fun with all the candles, the house smelled really nice, and I learned how to tether my laptop to my phone and charge everything up at Starbucks in the morning. 🤣
So, that’s mainly what has been going on. And I think we did something wrong because now Ro loves listening to Bon Jovi and he wants to ask Santa for a cassette player so he can play a Bon Jovi cassette that his grandma gave him.
I love you and miss you.
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