Caboose has been in respiratory distress for the last couple of nights. B took him to the emergency vet this morning around 1am since it kept Boose from eating, sleeping, and drinking. He wouldn’t even sit down. He would stand there with his snout upwards just trying to get enough air. I tried calming him down a few times and it would work for a little bit, but then he would start wheezing again. When I put him in the kennel for the last time, his eyes were vacant and he didn’t want to be hugged.
B says the vet put him on oxygen right away and offered to keep him for observation even though she was convinced Boose was experiencing congestive heart failure. So B convinced me to let him stay under observation. I called the vet around 7am to see if there was any improvement. There wasn’t. Any treatments they were doing for CHF was making his kidney situation worse and they were already shutting down. Around 2pm, the next vet did another round of tests and confirmed that even though Boose’s breathing was getting a little bit better, his kidney numbers were decreasing and showing more failure. The vet said he was more alert with the oxygen but still listless.
I made arrangements to have Boose euthanized this evening. We’ll get a chance to say goodbye and even be with him through the procedure. Ro is deciding if he wants to go, but I let him know he could stay with his grandma since he hates goodbyes. He wants to bury Boose in the backyard.
Needless to say, I’m a complete basket case even though I was resigned to the possibility as soon as I put him in the kennel. My favorite working spot is right next to the patio door so I could let him in and out. With the rain at the moment, each tap on the door makes me think he was just outside this whole time instead of at the vet. It’s going to be a lot quieter now during the day. The best part about the pandemic and working from home was that I got to spend just a little bit more time with my little dog.
I love you and miss you.
You have my condolences. Caboose was a good, steadfast, and faithful dog that was well loved. He will be missed. I'm glad, you got to say goodbye to him. When was he born, and on what date and time did he take his leave?