Nothing much has really happened since the last post. We celebrated B’s birthday with takeout from Annex Kitchen complete with cocktails. Ro is getting stir crazy with the time passing by and I think he’s forgetting why it’s important to wash hand, not touch objects outside, etc. He’s also forgetting a lot of his Spanish since he isn’t able to practice it much. I’m feeling pretty scattered this Saturday, but happy to relax since it isn’t a shopping day. I’ve managed to get things to where I only need to do major shopping trips every other weekend.
Easter was nicely low key. We forgot to dye the eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide, but we had a bunch of apples, and so he hid those around the house for Ro to find instead. Awhile ago, the Easter Bunny delivered a package of books and a few small toys from a local bookstore that turned out great. I have a feeling the Easter Bunny may have found a new traditions of books instead of a lot of toys and candies.
Work is okay. I was transferred over to our Huron district to work under an old supervisor I didn’t get along with very well. I’ve been able to mitigate issues by working from home this whole time. I’m scheduled to retake my deputy oral exam for sometime between June and August. They want to do a phone exam that is proctored by County staff. This should be interesting. I didn’t understand why they wanted to do phone calls, but I guess they are more reliable than video calls.
Finch didn’t want me to study. |
Finch didn’t want me to watch a webinar to study. |
In the meantime, I’ve been doing a lot of knitting and baking. I made a sourdough starter in the beginning of April and have been going strong since with bread, pizza, cinnamon rolls, crackers, hush puppies, and doughnuts.
Awhile ago a friend asked me to knit a “butt scarf.” I had finally gotten around to it. Unfortunately, she accidentally left her gate open and a dog wandered off. She found the dog was hit by a car the next day. I’m working on another cowl that should be done just in time for summer. |
Sourdough starter. It was a pain to try to keep up with it. I finally managed to freeze some dough to I could toss it into the fridge for weekly feedings instead. It got to the point where I had to put my wedding rings aways because they kept getting dough in the little crevices. |
Cinnmon rolls that probably were sticky buns because I used orange glaze instead of cream cheese icing. |
Doughnuts! Easier than I thought they would be. |
Ro is still hanging out with B’s mom until further notice. She’s set up to work from home, but there isn’t much for her to do at work yet. A deputy called me up the other day and mentioned that they want things to go back to normal on May 18th. We’ll see what normal really looks like as things go. Fresno’s shelter-in-place order was extended to May 31st. I don’t think I’ll be taking Ro shopping with me for a long while though until vaccine is out even if things open up.
Ro’s preK class tried to do a class over video chat the other day. I’m sure that 3-4 year olds are just beginning to understand there are people on the other side of the picture and there were a lot of blank stares with no response. The teacher ended up not being able to get her sound to work. An aide was in and tried to get things going. It was like watching her herd cats. 😂 She tried roll call (because she could see which kids were there in the chat, but the kids just kept staring off, not sure about what they were supposed to do. They said they’d try again another time.
My friend S is doing much better, but still working on mending. She said she sent you a card, but it was returned with an “Unable to Forward” stamp on it.
Hope you guys are doing well. I love you and miss you.
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